Currently booking projects for Oct to Dec

How to create content your clients love

You’re busy doing the real work of your business, so it’s important that every marketing effort is intentional: you only create content your clients love. You want the people you serve to find your content. And you want it to resonate with more people. You want them always coming back to you as their go-to […]

How to post on Instagram for your online business

For most women entrepreneurs it’s important to use Instagram for your online business. But it can feel time-consuming and like you’re putting in a lot effort for very low returns in the form of clients, a bigger email list, etc. I promise it doesn’t have to be so hard! Time to give you a content […]

Can you use a blog for marketing?

Last week, a friend in my Mastermind asked a question: Is it selling out to use a blog post for marketing? As a content writer and blog coach, I’m going to share with you what I told her:   Dear Friend, Unless you’re using your blog like a journal (which no business ever should, including […]