Currently booking projects for Oct to Dec

The problem with starting an online business

The problem with starting an online business is not your entrepreneurial dreams – it’s the self-appointed gurus of the online business world. They’re the gatekeepers: you know, the ones whose affiliates bombard your inbox once or twice a year, promising that this is the one course you need to make money online, and as passively […]

A Gift Guide from a Writing Coach for Small Businesses

As a writing coach for small businesses, I’ve been blessed to support many entrepreneurs through the challenges of the past year. I believe deeply in the work they’re doing and the genuine love they put into their work. So this holiday gift guide will highlight a couple of these incredible humans and their wide-ranging offers! […]

How to Learn the Basics of Copy and Content Writing

A few weeks ago, I spoke about how to learn the basics of copy and content writing on the Pretty Sure We Can Do Better podcast with Angie Cazares. The episode, Be Brave and Act on Your Intuition, Even if it Means Going Against the “Expected” Path, also dives into my experience of strengthening – […]

The #1 copywriting formula to know for your business

If you’re an online business owner, you’ve probably heard that there are copywriting formulas meant to make your sales pages, Instagram posts, and even emails more engaging. But doesn’t the word “formula” sound complicated, foreign, and even a bit sleazy?   First, let me prove to you just how uncomplicated a copywriting formula can be […]

On Writing: Facing your Fear of the Blank Page

How do I start writing? This is the most common writing question I get from practicing writers and my first-time clients. They all want to create something so true to them, and so well-crafted, that they psych themselves out before even giving it a shot. The blank page lies open before them, so eerily clean. […]

Why I’m a Writing Coach

My heart’s swelled 3 sizes since I became a writing coach for women creating business blogs and personal memoirs. It  fills and expands every time a new client (read: friend) connects with me, whether she’s experienced but feeling blocked, or overwhelmed as she starts writing for the first time. I love helping her create a […]