Currently booking projects for Oct to Dec

Your voice is what makes your blog unique

Your blog should feel like home to your ideal readers. If you’re an online business owner, it should be the hub of the community you’ve created for yourself in the online space.  That’s because the more time readers spend on your website and the more they engage with you through comments and social shares, the […]

On Writing: Facing your Fear of the Blank Page

How do I start writing? This is the most common writing question I get from practicing writers and my first-time clients. They all want to create something so true to them, and so well-crafted, that they psych themselves out before even giving it a shot. The blank page lies open before them, so eerily clean. […]

Why I’m a Writing Coach

My heart’s swelled 3 sizes since I became a writing coach for women creating business blogs and personal memoirs. It  fills and expands every time a new client (read: friend) connects with me, whether she’s experienced but feeling blocked, or overwhelmed as she starts writing for the first time. I love helping her create a […]