Currently booking projects for Oct to Dec


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What To Look For When Working With A Copywriter

Are you in the market for a copywriter? It can be tough to know where to start, what to look for, and what questions to ask. This post is designed to help make the process a little bit easier. We’ll go over some key factors to keep in mind when working with a copywriter, as well as some tips on how to find the right one for your business. So whether you’re just starting out and don’t know where to begin, or you’re familiar with the process but need a little guidance, read on! Hiring a professional copywriter adds tremendous

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La Escritura: Enfrentando tus Miedos de la Página en Blanco

¿Cómo empiezo una práctica de escritura? Es la pregunta más común que recibo de los escritores practicantes y de mis clientes primerizos que quieren fortalecer una práctica de escritura. Todos quieren crear algo tan fiel a ellos, y tan bien hecho, que se auto asustan antes de intentarlo. La página en blanco se encuentra expuesta ante ellos, tan inquietantemente limpia. Cuando respondo a su pregunta, normalmente me encuentro con un suspiro de alivio. ¿Quieres decir que no tengo que hacerlo perfectamente bien la primera vez? (De alguna manera siempre lo han sabido, en algún lugar en su interior, pero escucharlo

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Can you use a blog for marketing?

Last week, a friend in my Mastermind asked a question: Is it selling out to use a blog post for marketing? As a content writer and blog coach, I’m going to share with you what I told her:   Dear Friend, Unless you’re using your blog like a journal (which no business ever should, including solopreneurs), blogging is, by definition, marketing. More specifically, it’s content marketing. That means its inherent purpose is to: Attract your ideal client by using great SEO best practices and solving the problem the client knows they have. It’s that problem which brings them to your

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Daily Writing: How to Improve your Business and Life

Daily Writing is a guest post by my long-time friend Sally who has just launched her own blog – learn more about her at the bottom of this post! Do you want to improve as a writer? Perhaps you want to find your voice and grow your blog.  What if I told you there was an easy way to improve? Here’s the thing: you can improve by doing one thing consistently – daily writing. You may think writing every day sounds impossible! The idea of putting words to a page each day might sound like a daunting task. However, there

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Your Blog is Not Your Journal

Your blog is not your journal. This often comes as news to the business owners, podcasters, and influencers I work with on a daily basis in my Blog Your Way to Visibility Coaching program. We need to stop clinging to the days of LiveJournal, when blogs were popularly seen as an online diary of sorts. Times have changed, and blogs are a written form all their own – especially for women in business! Here are 5 important reasons why your blog is not your journal (and what you should be posting on it instead!) Future-proofing First of all, we realize

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On Writing: Facing your Fear of the Blank Page

How do I start writing? This is the most common writing question I get from practicing writers and my first-time clients. They all want to create something so true to them, and so well-crafted, that they psych themselves out before even giving it a shot. The blank page lies open before them, so eerily clean.   When I answer their question, I’m usually met with a sigh of relief. You mean I don’t have to get it perfectly right the first time? (They usually always knew this, somewhere inside, but hearing it from an actual writer and compassionate coach is

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Cambiando los sueños

Enero fue el mes que cambié mis sueños. Entré en 2020 con un plan: sobrevivir a mi maestría y profundizar la capacidad de escuchar a mi intuición. Y resulta que mi intuición me aclaró que sobrevivir a un grado de baja calidad era solo un plan, no un sueño, y los planes pueden y deben cambiarse. Esta es una historia sobre cambiar de sueños. En 2018 y 2019, sentí la necesidad  de aprender algo nuevo. Quería profundizar en un tema que me apasionaba y conectarme con otros que también se preocupaban mucho por el aprendizaje y la educación. Después de

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Why I’m a Writing Coach

My heart’s swelled 3 sizes since I became a writing coach for women creating business blogs and personal memoirs. It  fills and expands every time a new client (read: friend) connects with me, whether she’s experienced but feeling blocked, or overwhelmed as she starts writing for the first time. I love helping her create a piece of writing she’s proud of so she can finally sleep soundly at night. I swear, one day, you’ll see the outline of my heart pressing through my chest because it’s filling up with so much love and fulfillment.   So why does writing coaching

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I Adopted a Baby Orangutan

I adopted a baby orangutan. Let me explain. During Canada’s social isolation measures for COVID-19, I’ve found comfort and peace in previously recorded animal shows. I love veterinary, zoo, and nature documentaries. My newest find is Orangutan Jungle School. So far, there are two seasons of this heartwarming program (I caught it in Season 2 and am psyched to find out some of the orangutans’ orange stories in Season One!) The documentary follows the daily life of orangutans at Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (or BOSFoundation, for short.) This incredible organization rescues orphaned and injured orangutans from vulnerable sites around Borneo,

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My Journey Home: From Spain to Canada during COVID-19

In February 2020, I moved to Valencia, a beautiful coastal city on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. I meant to spend 3 months experimenting with this final place in Spain that I could actually see myself calling home. They’d be 3 months of total freedom. But less than 3 weeks later, that freedom turned into confinement because of COVID-19. Spain before lockdown As pretty much everyone knows, Spain’s been in one of the world’s most intense COVID-19 lockdowns since March 14th. Only one week before, my neighbourhood in Valencia, El Carmen, was packed with locals and tourists alike to celebrate

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Human Towers: Our Collective Fight Against COVID-19

I think Catalonia’s human towers serve as a good metaphor for the war we’re fighting as a species right now. The best way to beat COVID-19 with the lowest possible mortality rate is by working together. We’re individual soldiers in a larger human army. Standing together – in social isolation – against an unfeeling virus that could take anyone of us down. Each of us is like a Casteller – a person who participates in human towers – working hard and leveraging what strength and stability we have to protect the people depending on us. And we can’t keep our

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